On January 20th 2010 I departed for my Colorado adventure. Final destination is Telluride, CO. My previous employer closed our Boston office on October 31, 2009 and this seemed to be the most opportune time to do something different. My inspirations are two things really. They are both movies. First is "Into the Wild", a movie about a person who leaves his life behind to pursue a life in the Alaskan wilderness and along the way he meets people that shape his life. The second movie is "The Bucket List", a movie about two terminally ill men who escape a cancer ward with a wish list of to-do's before they die. The #1 item on the wish list is "Witness something truly majestic". My adventures are not exactly similar to these movies, but underlying themes and life changing perspectives are. As far as the location, I thank my sister for that. She lived in the beautiful & remote town of Telluride for five years and met Paul there. Their 1997 wedding was in Telluride (Trout Lake). Telluride is nestled in the dramatic Rocky Mountains of Southwest Colorado.

BLOG 101

If you are new to blogs so am I. Here is an intro. The home page has all the posts (the write ups) in order and they work so that most recent is at top of the order. i.e. Day 1, my first post/write-up, is on the bottom page of all the posts/write-ups. On the left side of the blog site there is a "Blog Archive" section where you can navigate to pick and choose year, month and then specific daily posts/write-ups. I wanted to share this in the event you are new to blogs.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 1 - 1/20/10 - Videos

For each day I write I will try and add one to three videos for visual support of my Colorado adventure. The site itself has a video upload feature, but Youtube will be a better option. It's an extra step for you (clicking on a link) but the quality will be better. Hopefully it works. One thing to note, the sound is not great. I figured it out after a few days (new camera) but with some volume and/or headphones you should be able to make out what is going on. Here are the Day 1 video descriptions and links:

1) Jersey Driving. It's boring.

2) Air Drumming. Colm took this video of me. I did not know. What I do know is that air drumming is popular with many drivers. You've done it...just admit it. For me, it is an art. Not really, but it does keep me awake and energized. I even throw in air guitar at the end for affect. And the song....well it is one of my favorite of all time. Here it is.

3) Jersey Shore. Hmmm. What can I say about this one. Jersey Shore is a popular MTV reality show. I use the word popular lightly, but it does it's job with ratings. Well Jersey Shore also happens to be an exit/town in Pennsylvania (go figure) that we drove by when shooting this video. In the show, one of the more comical moments was when actor Mike introduced himself as "The Situation". Don't ask. Well Mike, you have competition. Watch through the end. Although the sound is quiet for some of the video, the ending surely is not.

Hope everyone is well.


  1. You're kidding, right. You must be kidding because no one in their right mind would actual refer to a U2 as being good, let alone a favorite. I am amazed that you didn't immediately drive straight in to the rock wall next to the car, or the 18 wheeler up ahead just to alleviate the pain. I had to watch the video on mute to keep my ears from bleeding. The look of disgust on Colm's said it all.

    Same on you Nick for fooling everyone in to actually clicking on the link and having to endure even a single verse from bono. shame shame.

    with love,

  2. You are hilarious. And don't think I did not hesitate posting that knowing that your comment/rip session coming to me was inevitable.

  3. Well then... I am glad that I didn't disappoint. hahaha. Enjoy your time...
