On January 20th 2010 I departed for my Colorado adventure. Final destination is Telluride, CO. My previous employer closed our Boston office on October 31, 2009 and this seemed to be the most opportune time to do something different. My inspirations are two things really. They are both movies. First is "Into the Wild", a movie about a person who leaves his life behind to pursue a life in the Alaskan wilderness and along the way he meets people that shape his life. The second movie is "The Bucket List", a movie about two terminally ill men who escape a cancer ward with a wish list of to-do's before they die. The #1 item on the wish list is "Witness something truly majestic". My adventures are not exactly similar to these movies, but underlying themes and life changing perspectives are. As far as the location, I thank my sister for that. She lived in the beautiful & remote town of Telluride for five years and met Paul there. Their 1997 wedding was in Telluride (Trout Lake). Telluride is nestled in the dramatic Rocky Mountains of Southwest Colorado.

BLOG 101

If you are new to blogs so am I. Here is an intro. The home page has all the posts (the write ups) in order and they work so that most recent is at top of the order. i.e. Day 1, my first post/write-up, is on the bottom page of all the posts/write-ups. On the left side of the blog site there is a "Blog Archive" section where you can navigate to pick and choose year, month and then specific daily posts/write-ups. I wanted to share this in the event you are new to blogs.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 70 - 3/30/10 - Fighter Jets

Iceman: You two really are cowboys.
Maverick: What's your problem, Kazanski?
Iceman: You're everyone's problem. That's because every time you go up in the air, you're unsafe. I don't like you because you're dangerous.
Maverick: That's right! Ice... man. I am dangerous.

Today is Tuesday March 30, 2010. I’m relaxed today. I’m nearing the completion of my second full month in Colorado, I have a routine and the people, environment and lifestyle in Telluride gives me a good piece of mind. The weather is perfect today. It is warm, but not hot. Snow is still falling in general and conditions on the mountain are great. It would be a day of sunshine, a slight threat of snow and powerfully loud noises that I love.

I spent some time in the parks. The parks have all the jumps and rails that can teach you balance in a quick way. As you will see from the video of the day there was no harm done, but landing off some of the bigger park jumps was tricky. Telluride included, most mountains have beginner, intermediate and expert parks. For today, I drew no line and went into the expert and intermediate.

I remember a long time ago I was at a ski mountain in New Hampshire. It was either Wateville Valley or Loon. It was mid day and after a ride up the mountain, I got off the chairlift and moved to a flat area to get myself locked into my snowboard bindings and ready to go down the mountain. I was with friends and at one point someone was trying to say something when I heard a loud sound. I had heard the sound before. It's a sound where no matter what is going on, it grabs your attention and you stop to see what it is. It can rip through any flat area, but in the mountains, the valleys and canyons enhance the depth and power of the sound. It was fighter jets. Whether it's a fly over at a sporting event or fighter pilot training runs in the mountains, I love the power, agility and grace of a fighter jet flying over head.

I remember wanting to be a fighter pilot when I was younger. It was the 80's, I was ten years old and I enjoyed (who did not?) the movies Top Gun and Iron Eagle. Top Gun was more famous and everyone has seen that. My quote of the day has turned into dialogue for the day. From Top exchange between Maverick (Tom Cruise) and Iceman/Kazanski (Val Kilmer). It is classic. Iron Eagle was the lesser known, but it had Louis Gossett Jr. All his best movies were from the 80's including An Officer and a Gentleman. The Top Gun and Iron Eagle movies should make a comeback like all the 80's bands do. For the pictures of the day, I have included promo pictures of each movie to aide in their comeback tours/remakes. I went with these particular pictures because 1) Tom Cruise's stance (with tight jeans) and pose in the Top Gun pic is awkward, and 2) the guys in the Iron Eagle pic are not in awkward stances, but rather confident and manly ones. I know Top Gun had a bit of love saga to it, so I guess his pose is somewhat of a seductive one. It just looks funny.

Fighter aircraft were developed during World War II and introduced into combat during the later years of that war. The aircraft are classified by "generations" for historical purposes. At a stage I was old enough to take interest, development was into fourth generation aircraft (70's to mid-90's). The largely successful plane was the F-15 Eagle, the plane you would think Iron Eagle was based off of. Irony comes in because the fighter jets in Iron Eagle were actually the F-16 Falcons. Why was the movie not called Iron Falcon? The answer is because one of the main characters, Doug Masters (great name), belonged to some group w/friends called the Eagles. Anyway, before the F-15 was the F-14 Tomcat. After F-15's and F-16's came the F-18 Hornet and the current cutting edge fighter of the US military, the F-22 Raptor (price tag - $142.6 million). My favorite jet is the F-18 is the chosen model of the popular Blue Angels (Navy Demonstration Squad) that you see in their flight shows.

Here on the mountain today, I was fortunate to see two of them today. I stopped as soon as I heard the rumble make its way through the valley and my helmet earphones. I quickly reached for my video, pressed play and looked toward the sky not knowing where they would come from. It was quick, but based on sound and look these were two F-18's. For today's video of the day I send a tribute to both fighter jets and 80's music. There was one perfect song for what I saw today on the mountain. Because of the jets, I was excited to make this video and I hope you enjoy it:

If I could go back, I would have perfect vision and become a fighter pilot. Good night from Telluride and I hope you are well.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 69 - 3/29/10 - Rebecca Richio Allee

"To My Niece, You are a joy to my heart and a delight to my eyes. You are a precious gift to our entire family and a wonderful addition to our lives." - a card by Janie Anthony

Today is Monday March 29th 2010. I have the day off from work. I'm not snowboarding today as my mind is elsewhere. Today, my two-and-a-half year old niece Rebecca will see a specialist in Portland Oregon. She has two bumps on her leg, one from birth that they thought would disappear within a year or two of age, and another on the same leg that recently showed. Doctors in Eugene Oregon would refer the family to a specialist earlier in March.

My sister Jenn and brother-in-law Paul live in Eugene, about 2 hours south of Portland. From the "My Story" section of this blog home page, Jenn and Paul met in Telluride and are the reasons my adventures took me here. Eugene is home of the University of Oregon (The Ducks). I've been there a few times and it has incredible parks and scenery. They have six-and-a-half year old Nicholas, my nephew, and he will get his day soon on the blog. This day will be about and for his only sibling and sister Rebecca.

Jenn would characterize Rebecca as determined, strong willed, adventurous and entertaining. A translation of this from my perspective is that she inherited her Uncles' genes and is crazy. She runs into things, off from things and through things. Jenn says in her new gymnastics class in Eugene, Rebecca is fearless and attacks trampolines more than any other child, even older ones. She lasts about 30 seconds on your lap for "story time" before she has to get up and be active. It's really funny to watch. She is also adorable with her bluish-grey eyes. As you can see from the pictures above (and in the video to follow) she loves to wear dresses, boots (that are adult size) and stroll around with bags on her tiny arms as if they were a pocketbook. All in all she makes everyone laugh. As an Uncle, I love to see the side of determination that Rebecca shows. I know my sister loves it as well, but she has to deal with it and I do not. There's a BIG difference!

The trip to Portland to see the specialist will determine if these bumps are vascular related or just some skin cell formation that can be surgically removed. My blog today asks you for a favor. No one ever wants their children to have health issues or any type of surgery. For my niece Rebecca, please pray today that her news be positive and health be strong. I know my sister, brother-in-law and nephew will appreciate it. Rebecca's family in Maine, Texas, Arizona and California will as well. Thank you.

Part of Rebecca's activity is dancing. This video is from when she was two years old. Though she does incorporate a few different moves, you will see from this video that her more frequent "universal" dance can apply to music from the the 70's, 80's and an interesting song named "Supermodel" (I think) used in fashion shows:

I love when she claps for herself at the 2 minute mark. Did anyone dislike "Jump" by Van Halen when that came out in the 80's? I certainly hope not. The video was produced by My Colorado Adventure (MCA) Publications and was shot by a Canon Rebel EOS T1I. It's a great camera, one of the few that come with both digital picture and high definition video features. I do admit I was getting used to the video focus feature so sorry about any focus issues.

The quote of the day is exactly how I feel. Rebecca is a gem and she is in my thoughts everyday. The family has a return visit planned to the specialist in April or May. Jenn says Rebecca is more active than ever and is loving life with her brother Nicholas in Eugene. When I speak to them, I know they are. I just want it to stay that way. To everyone, I hope your families are happy and healthy and thanks for checking in. Good night from Telluride.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 68 - 3/28/10 - Family

"Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family. Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member, yet we lead our daily life too often as if we take our family for granted." ~Paul Pearshall

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family." ~Anthony Brandt

Today is Sunday March 28th 2010. I worked today and aspects of my job got me thinking of my family. In particular, part of my job is to approach people and families and ask if they want memories captured. It's hilarious because if they decline a family photo, the declining person is always the father. This would be like my father; he wants to keep the day going with minimal distraction. Although it would be my mother who would overrule and have final say when it comes to a family photo. I remember our family photos. Digging back I believe Olan Mills and Steve Maines captured some of the Richio family photo shoots. One year (I was in high school) we went with the all white theme. It was classic and I think it still has a spot on my parents home wall in Maine. When I see the "difficult" younger children of the families I shoot on Telluride mountain, I think of how difficult my siblings and I must have been. My brother Matt and I must have been trouble when we were younger with the whole dress up and pose thing. Anyway, it would be the many unique families I met today that made me miss my family.

The immediate Richio family is pictured above. There is Mom (Jo-Anne), Dad (Nick), sister (Jenn) and brother (Matt). The new addition in mid 90's was brother-in-law (Paul) and new additions thereafter, were Jenn and Paul's children, Nicholas (2003) and Rebecca (2007). Everyone is pictured above, except Paul. My parents are one month apart in age...they were high school sweethearts in Maine, even though my mother went to South Portland HS and my father to Portland HS. They worked through the rivalry! Dad did everything in sports but his top sports were football and baseball. I think he even rolled in gymnastics. I remember drive way basketball as well and he was good...until I grew up! Mom was a cheerleader. She had charisma, elegance and leadership; she was captain. Both Mom and Dad are great cooks, hard workers and they dedicate much of their lives to the hundreds of members in the Richio and Nappi (Mom's maiden name) families. Both of my parents were from large families. Dad was the second oldest of 7 children and Mom was the oldest of 8 children. My sister is the oldest of my siblings. She went to South Portland High School, where my mother had attended, and then University of Rhode Island (URI) where she studied pharmacy. Back in her Telluride days her job was at Sunshine Pharmacy, the only in town pharmacy. Jenn excelled in sports as well. Swimming and softball were her cup of tea, but I give her a TON of credit for being a key figure in starting the URI women's lacrosse program. Matt is the middle child. He and I were a year apart in the Cape Elizabeth Maine school system. Growing up close in age always stirred up fun, conflict and adventure. It also helped us out in sports. We both played soccer. He was a goalie and I a field player; he would cause the first significant injury (ankle) of my career when he took me out as I was coming in on a breakaway against him at a camp. That left a mark! In non-soccer seasons he would play hockey and lacrosse while I played basketball and baseball. We were competitive and would both go on to coach youth sports. Matt is currently studying (electrical trade) at a small college in Maine. I am the youngest and through this blog you know enough about me.

Phew. There's some background. Today's quotes of the day have also made me think of my family. I included two quotes because to me, they are very different, but both very true. On the first quote, I would do anything for any and all of my family members and I know they would do the same for me. Even when I feel I take my family for granted (being far away from them) I hope they know that I would drop anything to be at their side. I also know that not every one out there shares the same sentiment. There are people who do not have family or who have made decisions to permanently remove themselves from family. This leads to the second quote. There are many things that will change individuals (and families) within a lifetime. Hopefully the "start" of your life will lend to good values and virtues along any path of change. In the "end", even if you took things for granted and became distant, hopefully those same values and virtues will lend to a celebration of life with family around you. It will not always work out to be this way. That is just a fact of life and the world we live in.

Wherever you are, I hope your family is not far away. Moreover, if they are far away, I hope it is only a physical distance that separates you. Reach out to them tomorrow, say hello, share a story you've never told them, and let them know you are always there for them no matter what.

Thanks for checking in and good night from Telluride.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 67 - 3/27/10 - Two Feet In Telluride

"A lot of people are tired around here, but I'm not sure they're ready to lie down, stretch out and fall asleep." - Jim Jones

Today is Saturday March 27th 2010. The picture of me above is toward the end of the day. My hair is a little messy and I am tired. I also look old, but we will not get into that...not a fan. Anyway, Telluride received 22 inches of snow in a 24 hour period from yesterday to today. A near two feet of snow and it was the best day of the ski season here.

My heart was racing today. For the first time this adventure I had this sense of urgency to do as much as I can in as little time as possible. The mountain closes in one week on April 4th. I kept thinking to myself 'hit the sides of the trails, get into the trees and get to the hikes first.' Basically all of those thoughts have fresh powder in mind. I know it seems greedy, but untouched powder on a mountain (especially in the East) is hard to find.

All the excitement came to a halt when my favorite area of the mountain was closed off. How could they have Prospect Bowl closed off? The answer is because 22 inches of snow causes avalanche concerns everywhere on the Mountain. Prospect Bowl has great terrain and it is the only way you can get to the best hikes (Black Iron Bowl, Palmyra Peak). The trouble is that Prospect Bowl is a bowl and avalanches pour into it. I had no idea what to do. Go elsewhere on the mountain or wait it out? I can be a determined and intense person, but since my adventure began my intensity seemed to disappear. It was back today. Along with a hundred or so other eager people, I committed and waited it out. After one hour, at about 1pm in the afternoon, Prospect Bowl opened and a mad rush ensued down a winding trail and toward the lifts. I was one of the first to the lifts, first to the hiking trails, and for today, I was the first to Genevieve:

I hope you enjoyed the video. At the end of the video I was a little out of breath and excited, but for good reason. That final run felt like my snowboard was floating in calm water. The depth of the powder acts as a natural means to slow you down (vs packed powder) so going straight was encouraged. As you saw, when you do turn, there is so much snow that it would displace into the air. It was a lot of fun. I remember the first time I heard the song in the video. It was for a Rhapsody commercial in 2009. Here it is - After I saw that commercial for the first time I quickly retrieved the song in Itunes. Two weeks of overkill later, it sat dormant in my Itunes. A friend from Babson, Dena Ventura, and I exchanged some emails recently and her latest reply said "if you haven't checked out "Sweet Disposition" by The Temper Trap you should...would go awesome with a video of you snowboarding". Well Dena, all the credit for this selection goes to you. Thank you.

The ski season is coming to an end and my quote of the day says it best. People are tired, but there will be no sleep in Telluride. For tomorrow, and the next seven days, will keep people awake, lively and wanting more days like this one. Good night from Telluride and I hope you are well.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 66 - 3/26/10 - Kidder Quinn Brady

"We are pleased to announce the arrival of our daughter Kidder Quinn Brady who entered our lives on Friday March 26th at 7:52 AM. She was 7 pounds 12 ounces and we could not be happier. Jen is feeling great, as is Kidder. Love, Mike, Jen and Kidder" - Mike Brady, father extraordinaire

Today is Friday March 26th 2010. At 7:52am baby Kidder Quinn Brady was brought into the world. Mike, Jen and now Kidder are great friends of mine from sunny Cape Elizabeth, ME. Kidder was a name from Jen's side of the family. Her picture and the new Brady family are above. Being so far away it has been difficult to miss some key events. I have been kept in the loop through some emails, but I need ways to feel closer to home. So I decided to conduct an interview. My Colorado Adventure (MCA) Publications sought after the father of the moment by phone. I was able to reach him in his Boston office of Moody Lynn & Co. He demanded the call be in the afternoon after 4pm EST when then market was closed. I obliged.


MCA - Mike answer these questions now or you will never make the MCA blog.
Mike - Who is this? What did you do with my daughter? Sorry. Let's talk. Fine by me. Your blog is horrible, but Jen and I like you, so go ahead.
MCA - When did you and Jen first meet?
Mike - We love your blog by the way, especially the videos. Jen and I met in 4th grade. We roller skated together at Happy Wheels, I “shot the duck” and then asked her to kiss me in the corner but the building was an oval so we never found one.
MCA - Hmm. I could never draw an oval. So you are elementary school sweethearts?
Mike - Yes. Romance was a big part of 4th grade. I used to call her and hang up on her. I still do from time to time actually.
MCA - If that's not love, I don't know what is. So you dated through high school, each of you great athletes and lucky Jen never really knew me or she probably would have dated me, correct?
Mike - Truthfully, Jen was the better athlete having dominated the freestyle, butterfly and IM ( I mean fast) in the pool. It really is my passion for the arts that won her over, I can play “Every Breath you Take” on the bass guitar and it sounds different every time. But back to you, you are bowlegged and even though you excelled in the classroom and in athletics, people could not get past the legs.
MCA - Alrighty then. Little personal there, but to each his own. So tell me about life after Cape Elizabeth High know when you and my brother left, I became a senior and my soccer team went 18-0 with a dominating 5-1 victory in the state championship?
Mike – Touche Nicky. Touche. I am not haunted by that at all....having lost my senior year in OT during 1991's Perfect Storm to Lewiston with ½ the team serving suspension. Seriously, it's not a bitter pill to swallow. Anyway, I went to UNH to play soccer and become a 4.0 student (accomplished one of those) and Jen went to Union in NY. We dated through college and I used to make the trip West and she East. One time we communicated poorly and we passed each other on the Mass Pike going in opposite directions.
MCA - With gas prices today, a miscue like that could be costly. And the day you tied the knot?
Mike - I was very nervous that day because I was convinced someone was going to tell Jen how much better she could do than me. As luck would have it, it rained that day so there was low voter turnout which greatly benefited me. People think the Louisiana Purchase was a one sided deal, well I think I rivaled it.
MCA - That deal gave us Bourbon St. Thank God. So tell me about Kidder. Is she really yours?
Mike - Does anyone really belong to anyone else outside of the Asian sex industry? What was your question again? Oh yeah, according to the blood test Kidder is mine though shewill clearly lean more to my beautiful wife Jen's family appearance.
MCA - Your brother Sean and his wife Megan have 1 year old baby Lila. Clearly Sean is upset that Kidder is taking the spot light now?
Mike - Well no, Lila has very fair skin, so it benefits her to avoid light. Sean has always been jealous of me, but after my year with Lila (my goddaughter) no one can steal the stage from her. Though Kidder will try, we'll call it a draw.
MCA - I understand. Sean was jealous when I lived with him at Magazine Street (Cambridge) and used to beat him in NASCAR (playstation) as the driver Ricky Jones. Ricky Jones is a legend in Cambridge. And how are the grandparents receiving little Kidder?
Mike – The Brady's and the Kokx's could not be more pleased about the new additions to our families. Lila is our little Redheaded wonder and Kidder, well she is a miracle herself. Not sure of the hair color yet. Jens parents, with their first grandchild, are already spoiling her. Both Sue (Kokx) and my mom have been living with us since she arrived. Them being happy would be an understatement.
MCA - Well Mike. Thanks for your time. I feel closer to home now. It was great to rekindle all those great memories and know that Kidder will be loved by so many. If she ever wants to be a good athlete, you know where to bring her to. Please send Jen my love.


I hung up the phone and thought about so many things. Mike's family was first. They are some of the nicest people to be around. Too many stories to capture herein, but I still have a letter his parents wrote to me when I ventured off to college in 1993. That says enough about their character. Mike's brother Sean was my roommate in Cambridge, MA for "two beautiful years" as Sean would recently say. In a very difficult time for the Brady family, we tried our best to have a good time. Sean will always be a brother to me. Jen's family had my respect because they lived on the better side of Cape Elizabeth...where my family lived. We had the Cookie Jar (pastries), Fort Williams (beautiful ocean side park) and the baseball and softball little league park. Clearly the places to be when growing up. Her parents are kind and considerate and it shows in both Jen and her sister Mandy. They are great people.

A happy day of birth to baby Kidder. I am sure everyone in the Brady and Kokx families are more than thrilled. To Mike and Jen, you define what lasting love is and now you will share that with a baby of your own. You have always been good friends to me. Kidder will be your focus now, but I hope we will always stay in close contact.

I hope everyone is well and good night from Telluride.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 65 - 3/25/10 - Truly Amazing

"The blind have one great advantage over the sighted: the blind see the world with their hearts, while the sighted take only enough time to see it with their eyes." -- Author Unknown

Today is Thursday March 25th 2010. It is a day I will never forget. I met John. He is the blind skier in the pictures above. I'll be saying it a few times more......incredible.

I'll start today by letting you know two things. First, I had never seen a blind skier until I arrived in Colorado. Though ashamed to even think of this, maybe I had never noticed. Second, through my job on the mountain, I have seen several blind and/or visually impaired skiers get off lifts and ski down mountain trails. Each and everyone I see, I am more amazed by what they are doing. Today I decided to candidly show how much I respect what they are doing.

John is pictured as the middle person in each of the pictures above. I stopped to speak to John and his ski guides at the top of a trail before he began his descend. I told John I had a lot of admiration for what he was doing. I asked, and both the ski guides and John let me snowboard with them to take these pictures. I watched how the guides took John into his turns. I'll take nothing away from the guides, but this display of determination was all on John. You could see it in his actions. He showed moments of focus, happiness and frustration. One emotion however was continuous; his drive would get him to the bottom of the trail and back to the top in order to do it all over again.

The guides are through Telluride Adaptive Sports Program (TASP). TASP sees over 100 volunteers annually to make their programs happen. The more I get to know about TASP and the TASP people, the more I appreciate what they represent. Here is their web site and here is their mission statement:

Our Mission
The Telluride Adaptive Sports Program is a non-profit organization dedicated to enriching the lives of people with disabilities by providing educational and recreational opportunities that develop life skills, encourage personal growth, and promote independence. TASP offers adaptive skiing, rafting, kayaking, rock climbing, cycling clinics and a whole host of other activities that allow students to participate on an equal level with their family and friends in a safe, fun, outdoor environment. These challenging activities catalyze our students’ ability to become more active, productive members of their communities.

What they do is incredible and had I not made a commitment to on-mountain photography, I would have dropped my resume and willingness to volunteer at TASP. Volunteering for collegiate alpine ski races, as I did several weeks ago, is one thing. Volunteering for an organization like TASP is another. I firmly believe there is no better feeling in the world, then giving opportunity to someone, who otherwise would not have that opportunity on their own. Whether its sports, arts, sciences or life in general, giving back will always make you a better and more humble person.

I saw John later in the day. I did not stop to say anything....just watched as he had improved and made his way further up the mountain to more difficult trails. If you want to talk about something that is truly amazing, I saw it today. John has my utmost respect and admiration. As the quote says "the blind see the world with their hearts." We all know from the lion in the Wizard of Oz that courage is represented by heart. Today, John had the biggest heart on the mountain; it would be hard pressed to find anything else that physically defines the words courage and determination as he did.

Good night from Telluride and I hope you are well.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 64 - 3/24/10 - Quinn Eleanor Kennedy

"Quinn Eleanor Kennedy was born at 4:48 a.m. on March 24th. 7 pounds 12 oz. 19 1/2 inches. She is doing great and we are thrilled! - Love, Liam, Jenny, and Baby Quinn" - Jenny Soltoff Kennedy

Today is Wednesday March 24th 2010. The news of today's post is obvious and there is no better news/information that I could deliver. Baby Quinn was born into the world today. A true blessing for two people who deserve the best.

Liam and Jenny met in December 2005, but their first real together time was in January 2006 when Jenny arrived at Liam's condo for a party. After getting over the hurdle of Jenny meeting Liam's friends, they were married on July 11th 2009 in Brewster (Cape Cod) Mass. It was a great day for a couple who have leaned on each other and dealt with several personal issues that have built strength in their relationship.

Weddings provide unique emotions. There is the grace and beauty of the wedding itself - the bride's gown, the flowers, the parent dances and the walk down the aisle to name a few. There is also the element that the day is a once in a lifetime event. You can renew your vows of course, but there will never be a day, for a bride and groom, like a wedding day. What I think about at weddings is how they bring together two sets of families and friends that may never see each other again. More than any other event, it brings people together who have never met, but spend a day together as if they have known each other a lifetime. On Liam and Jenny's wedding day I knew friends and family members from each side, but there were many people I had never met. I have clear memories of Liam's family from Ireland. I never met most of them, but by the end of the days (it was a weekend event) his relatives from Ireland wanted to put people "in their suitcases and take them home." They had fun meeting new faces and celebrating the marriage of Liam and Jenny. I'll never forget rehearsal night when the DJ music stopped and the Irish folk song singing took over. I will also never forget the generosity and the kindness of Jenny's parents. I had never spoken with Jenny's father, Howard Soltoff, until his daughters wedding weekend. Of course he (and his wife) was a provider of the wedding day, but he was more than that. He went out of his way, through conversation, to make sure his daughter's wedding day guests were having a great time. It's a unique quality about weddings. People meet and gather for a common interest. Memories are created through video and pictures, but the real memories are from the conversation, hand shakes, hugs and tears of people who may never see each other again.

Congratulations to Liam, Jenny on the birth of their daughter Quinn Eleanor Kennedy. Because of who you guys are, Quinn has a bright future ahead of her. I am happy for both the Soltoff and Kennedy families. Good night from Telluride.