On January 20th 2010 I departed for my Colorado adventure. Final destination is Telluride, CO. My previous employer closed our Boston office on October 31, 2009 and this seemed to be the most opportune time to do something different. My inspirations are two things really. They are both movies. First is "Into the Wild", a movie about a person who leaves his life behind to pursue a life in the Alaskan wilderness and along the way he meets people that shape his life. The second movie is "The Bucket List", a movie about two terminally ill men who escape a cancer ward with a wish list of to-do's before they die. The #1 item on the wish list is "Witness something truly majestic". My adventures are not exactly similar to these movies, but underlying themes and life changing perspectives are. As far as the location, I thank my sister for that. She lived in the beautiful & remote town of Telluride for five years and met Paul there. Their 1997 wedding was in Telluride (Trout Lake). Telluride is nestled in the dramatic Rocky Mountains of Southwest Colorado.

BLOG 101

If you are new to blogs so am I. Here is an intro. The home page has all the posts (the write ups) in order and they work so that most recent is at top of the order. i.e. Day 1, my first post/write-up, is on the bottom page of all the posts/write-ups. On the left side of the blog site there is a "Blog Archive" section where you can navigate to pick and choose year, month and then specific daily posts/write-ups. I wanted to share this in the event you are new to blogs.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 50 - 3/10/10 - Home

"There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort." ~Jane Austen

Today is Wednesday March 10th 2010. After my great day on the mountain yesterday, I decided to take a day of rest and relaxation. I told you once before that I do most of my writing and video editing in the Telluride library (great place), but today I would write from the comfort of home. And when I say home, it has taken me less than a month to feel like I have one.

I stay at the home of Rich Tombolata and Carol Adams. Their home is pictured above. It is nestled on a hill that has even higher hills behind it. Rich is a builder/contractor and Carol is the Telluride chiropractor. When I tell people I live with Rich and Carol, they know exactly who I speak of and they know exactly which house is theirs. Rich and Carol have been here for 23 years. They have lived and breathed Telluride and seen it change over the years. They are both active and often say they live here because there is no other place like it. They enjoy it year round. They built the home I live/sleep in and that is a significant part of the warmth I feel when I am here. Take a look at the pictures again...a beautiful home that they built. I live in the downstairs of their home. I stay in a large bedroom with it's own full bathroom. The second floor is the kitchen and living area and I meander up there once or twice a day. I am routinely eating breakfast here; lunch and dinner are wildcards depending on my daily activities and writing of this blog. The third floor has the bedrooms and their home office. They are great cooks. Carol loves making soups and the smell of the soups is what I come home too quite often. Talk about comfort and warmth of a home! Rich makes the full breakfast spread. Eggs, sausages, toast, homefries, bacon...everything. One evening I came home and he had made a vegetable, potato, egg, sausage (and other things) dish. It was like hash browns style, but on steroids. It was really good and I will get that recipe from him. I'm sure each of them can cook anything. Unfortunately Rich's cooking is limited to weekends as he spends his weekdays about 4 hours away on a job. He has been supervising this job site (residential home) since my arrival here in early February. Not sure when his weekday time away from home will end, but I know Carol will be happy to see it. They are a great couple and my conversations with each of them have been nothing but comfortable and appreciated. Rich has a lot of adventure and he is an advocate of me exploring all the activities that Telluride has to offer. Carol also has adventure and has told me about hikes in and around their home. She can talk with the best of them on general health and nutrition. It's impressive to see her reading/media collection on these topics and more. They have two dogs, Sammy and Lucy, and one cat, Mimi. The dogs have really warmed up to me and the cat, who lives in the heated garage, is my buddy when I leave for work and come home from work (I enter to and from the garage).

In Telluride, I have met people who live in their vans. I am sure they are completely comfortable in such a setting. Coming from where I grew up however, it's nice to travel to a place and feel like you have a home to live in. I thank Rich and Carol for that.

Good night from Telluride.

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