On January 20th 2010 I departed for my Colorado adventure. Final destination is Telluride, CO. My previous employer closed our Boston office on October 31, 2009 and this seemed to be the most opportune time to do something different. My inspirations are two things really. They are both movies. First is "Into the Wild", a movie about a person who leaves his life behind to pursue a life in the Alaskan wilderness and along the way he meets people that shape his life. The second movie is "The Bucket List", a movie about two terminally ill men who escape a cancer ward with a wish list of to-do's before they die. The #1 item on the wish list is "Witness something truly majestic". My adventures are not exactly similar to these movies, but underlying themes and life changing perspectives are. As far as the location, I thank my sister for that. She lived in the beautiful & remote town of Telluride for five years and met Paul there. Their 1997 wedding was in Telluride (Trout Lake). Telluride is nestled in the dramatic Rocky Mountains of Southwest Colorado.

BLOG 101

If you are new to blogs so am I. Here is an intro. The home page has all the posts (the write ups) in order and they work so that most recent is at top of the order. i.e. Day 1, my first post/write-up, is on the bottom page of all the posts/write-ups. On the left side of the blog site there is a "Blog Archive" section where you can navigate to pick and choose year, month and then specific daily posts/write-ups. I wanted to share this in the event you are new to blogs.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 13 - 2/1/10 - Steamboat Mountain

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away" - Unknown

From Wikpedia, here is the supposed origin of the phrase "A picture is worth a thousand words":

It is believed that the modern use of the phrase stems from an article by Fred R. Barnard in the advertising trade journal Printers' Ink, promoting the use of images in advertisements that appeared on the sides of streetcars. The December 8, 1921 issue carries an ad entitled, "One Look is Worth A Thousand Words."

The reason this phrase is so great is that it takes away commentary I (or anyone who writes) make and leaves your mind to interpret it on your own. I think you can gather my genuine emotion from the picture above. That's me, taken by Tim H. toward the end of this amazing day. I think if you double click on the picture you can make it larger and get a view of the helmet cam that has given us all this great video for the blog. And without further adieu, here's the day of powder on Steamboat. Sorry to Jon P. and Steve P. who had to leaves us and fly home to Boston today:

1) Here is an early day clip of an area we found in a tree area off Buckshot trail (Sunshine Peak). In the video are Tim H. and Chris C. Let us welcome the first recorded post digger footage on Chris C. After my shot of him fallen, Tim H. and I whipped through some trees....and got whipped by some trees! I took a deep breath after this one. Wow. I've added some audio here and it's nice how a song can fit something so well

2) This next video is an area of Morningside named Christmas Tree Bowl. Great name. I whack a tree early to get my bearings and then spin to get shots of Tim H. and Chris C. coming down the steep slope

3) Here is a cruising video where I try and capture everyone. We are on Sunshine Peak on a trail named High Noon. It was snowing hard, there was thin visibility at times and it just seems we are moving to a place that never ends. It gives an element of surprise which is unique from past days

4) And next, oh boy, we come to one of the best videos of this entire trip. Actually my audio selection for this one had me laughing as I made it. It is videos like this that I know will have readers of this blog coming back for more. This is part beauty, part comedy. What it is not, is intensity. I thoroughly enjoy how our group covers so many emotions in a day. There is something poetic about this. Here it is....figure 8 perfection performed by Pat C. and KC M.

5) And finally, here is the end of the day where we meet Tessie. What is cool about this situation is she shares the name of Boston's beloved Red Sox anthem ("Tessie" by the Dropkick Murphy's). Little Tessie had just finished a day of skiing with her parents. Though she loves skiing, Tessie is going to be a great snowboarder some day. With her parents permission, she wanted to let the world know how fun it will be. Good luck Tessie and you will probably be ten times better than me at it

This was a day to remember on the mountain. The day was capped off by a much needed hot tub and a dinner in town. We went to an Italian place in Steamboat center and had a good dinner. I think the waitress was from the Northeast (Dartmouth graduate) and she was entertained by us. At least we like to think so.

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